Dear Blogger Friends - I have been too tired and overwhelmed to keep up with everyday things. I realize that this is a phase in the grief process and I just have to work through it. I have missed my Blogger Friends. This week I developed some enthusiasm and have started to plant flowers. Tomorrow I am making a trip to the green house to get impatience and marigolds. Last Saturday, my grandsons, Tyler and Austin, got a load of mulch and spread it for me. I bought a new self-propelled mower and I'm using it while my daughter or grandson use the riding mower. I am determined to mow with the riding mower next week. I am working outside all day tomorrow. I will probably only post once or twice a week until I get caught up with all the things that I need to do. However, I will be visiting blogs daily.I started with several bags of top soil for the one side of the house.

I bought several hanging planters of Calibrachoa. It is not a true petunia, but looks like one and can be treated as such. Also known as Million Bells, the flowers look like miniature petunia blooms. I bought the Million Bells for the first time last year. I trimmed them weekly and they bloomed all summer. I really like this shade of yellow.

More Million Bells. Tomorrow I will hang them.

These Impatience are for the shaded front porch.
I am planting the Daisies next to the hot tub where perennials are growing and the Snapdragons next to a small fountain. I have a big pile of mulch to use in these areas.
I think that I have the perfect spot for this azalea. The small crock has some Pansies and a few other flowers. I also have two baskets of Pansies. They stay nice in our area until the end of June.
This is the new wreath that I bought for my front door.
Thank you all for being there for me.
Although my need is great,My gratitude is more.
But you are like the sunshine,
Drowning all in light.
How gorgeous it is going to be when you are finished working your magic! I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better. We have been thinking of you.
I had just visited your blog this morning and wondered how you were doing. Then I come home from work and find that you have posted. We all understand what you are going through, so of course just post as you need to or want to share something with the rest of us. Looks like you got a great start on your gardening projects. Look forward to more pictures after you do more arranging, planting and whatnot. Take care, Linnea
Please know we all care about you and want nothing more than for you to feel good again. You have been through more .. so much more .. than most folks - AND in a short period of time. Take care.
You have been in my prayers and never too far from my thoughts. I know how you are feeling with the lack of drive and being so overwhelmed with all that you have had to deal with.
Although my situation is much different, I can appreciate your feelings more than you know. Dealing with greif is a very difficult thing to do and if you need to lean on me, girl, you know I am only a keystroke away.
Our blogs are such a wonderful outlet for us, and those who offer their support are so strong and sincere...
Your garden is lovely already. I love calibrachoa...they are self cleaning and offer such a cheerful addition to our gardens. Dirt therapy is one great thing...I have not had my heart in my greenhouse this year and my gardens are going to show it this year. I hope I can dig some energy and passion for what used to make me
Hang in there have so many people who included
You are a very special woman. You have been through so much in life and your spirit is amazing. Have a glorious blessed and wonderful Mother's Day.
Much Love Jaime
Sweetie,good to see you back even if its for just a bit.I will be doing same as you today and tommorrow.Out planting.Take care and thanks for visitng my blog.
I often hurt for you and the grief you're experiencing, and I do pray for you. I'm glad you trying to do what you can. You garden will reward you for this effort.
Take care of yourself. Grief takes time and the steps must be gone through to reach the other side. When Mother died, I went to the doctor for a check up some months after,I was telling the dr how I was feeling and about my sleep disturbances. She said I was depressed and put me on a seratonin medication. I had no idea I was depressed. I thought I was doing fine. But I think I was suppressing some feelings. They were showing up as health issues. We don't always know but our body does.
Working in the flowers is good therapy. I'm glad you have lots of family to help.
Mama Bear
Your flowers are beautiful. I love the Million Bells because they do bloom all season. Looks like you have your work cut out for you. Enjoy your summer and your yard and flowers. It was good to hear from you.
It's such a crazy busy time of year and I think we're all itching to get outside for a change!! I hope that you enjoy the riding lawn mower next week. I miss having a riding mower. My parents had one and I used to love to mow the lawn. I still like the smell of fresh mown grass but miss the mower since we live on 1/2 an acre. Now that the kids are growing up and moving on and we're getting older we may have to consider getting one. Take care and have a great weekend. Cindy
Hi Sweetie! I love your flowers! Playing in the dirt is good for te hsoul, I think. I know it is for me. I think many of us are blogging a little less often. Spring is calling. Don't worry about how often you blog or visit. We will all be here. You are still in my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful Mothers Day!!...hugs...Debbie
Sweetie, It is nice to see you. This is not an easy time, but at least you recognize that it is something you have to go through.
Planting your lovely growing flowers is a sign of growth for you too. Happy Mother's Day, my friend. Enjoy this special day.
So good to see that you are posting again. I too was quite concerned that something was wrong since you've been silent for so long.
Do what you can, with respect to blogging -take all the time you need to heal as the process has no time table. It differs from person to person.
So glad to hear from you again. I'm tired just thinking about all the work that you are planning to do.
May you find peace and comfort!
we all do what we need to to enjoy when you can.Hugs and His Blessings.Mike G. said that.
Hi Sweetie! It was nice to hear from you again. It's good to get outside and get our gardens and flower pots going again. I have much work to do and yet here I sit....LOL! Your lucky you have all those Grandkids to give you a hand. ~ Robyn
Sweetie, I am sorry that I haven't been around much. I am getting better and am trying to get around to all the blogs.
Your flowers look beautiful. It is a great feeling to get ready for summer by planting and hanging beautiful flowers.
I wish you good days and lots of sunshine.
I am in New York right now, visiting Kristy, my Granddaughter. I don't know yet how long I will be staying. I look at your blog everyday, and I am so happy to see your post. The flowers are all so pretty. I wish I had your green thumb, but I do not. I can only plant things that need no care.
I hope things will start looking up for you soon. I know all of the phases you have to go through, but it really will get better.
Love Nancy
Oh dearest Sweetie, I so understand where you are and what you're going through. I'm so happy to see you post, but I also understand when you just do not have the eneregy to do so. Just take care of YOU, we will all be here when you can be. My heart and my prayers are with you.
Many hugs.........
I have been thinking about you. It was nice to see you had a post.
We will be there for you when you decide to post again. You just take care of yourself.
I think your flowers will help out a little bit.
Hugs to you dear friend
God bless.
Sweetie, I am sorry to hear you are having a rough time. But, allow yourself to feel whatever you need to. Grief is different for everyone. I know that one thing I always do is garden to help myself make it though the dark days. It seems you are the same way. I love your choice of plants. And I adore your wreath.
Hugs, Terrie
There's something therapeutic about digging in the dirt and making things grow! After all of your hard work you get to relax and soak it all in. It's no wonder that after each day of creation, God looked around and said,
"It is good!"
Don't stress about blogging - just know that we love you and are here for you.
Enjoy your garden and let God continue to heal your heartache. I'm praying for you.
Luv ♥
Ruthie's great to hear from you!! Hang in there...time and prayer, it's the only thing that works! Your flowers are beautiful!
Looks like you have some serious gardening ahead of you...... you chose some gorgeous baskets!
Hello dear Sweetie:-)
I've been catching up with all my blogging friends since my return from being out of town for the weekend and it was such a pleasure to see you had posted! I know how overwhelming life can become so don't you worry about'll know when you feel up to it and we'll be here for you:-)
I just love all the flowers you bought, how beautiful your yard will look. I bought a hanging basket of those Million Bells two summers ago and loved them so much, I bought them again last summer and will do so again this year:-) I also love your new wreath, it's gorgeous!! Enjoy your time outside!! xoxo
O dear one, thanks for coming by tonight. I have just thought about you so much. Planting flowers is probably the best thing in the world for yu to do right now.
I have been doing the same. With all my surgeries on my legs, I've not been able to work much the last 2 am going nuts. Loving every minute of it.
Take good care, friend. You know we will all be here when you can come for awhile.
love, bj
I think spring is God's way of kissing us ever so gently from our winter's sleep! :)
Live each day...seeing the beauty around you...and what better way the with your hands deep in the soil~planting flowers! :)
May peace be with you!
I just wanted to stop by and tell you hi. I hope the planting went well and that you are doing well. Cindy
Sweetie, I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Your flowers look lovely. Just take one day at a time. Hugs.
Just thinking of you Sweetie.
I wish I could play in the dirt with you planting flowers, and I'd help you mow!
You are in my heart n prayers.
Holykisses Lea
I love your wreath!
No matter how often you post, you will be in my thoughts. Enjoy your beautiful flowers.
Prayers are coming your way Sweetie.
Take Care, ~Melissa
I love your flowers. I find that planting flowers makes me feel better about life in general, and through the grieving process. Hugs to you from Oklahoma Sweetie. God bless you.
Hi Sweetie,you are going to be a busy girl with all of those flowers ! I love million bells.They all look so pretty.Don't work too hard hon !
Those are beautiful flowers. so lovely.
I am your follower.
Sweetie *hugs*
I'm glad that you are having the time to work in your garden and seeing all that beauty around you...and you have your grandsons helping and your daughters by your side...that is very special.
I hope you feel stronger and take your time...we'll be here..
thinking about you..
Just wanted you to know I think about you often..
I hope things are easing up a little for you now.
xo bj
miss you!
Checking in on you Sweetie...hope you are well. Summer will be here soon, it's a healing time
Just know we're all thinking about you and my prayers are with you.
We've been camping and busy working on our storage area (sorting etc) so haven't been very active with the blogging either.
Hugs to you. Ruthie
What beautiful flowers!
Thinking of you...
Thinking of you and just wanted to say hi....hugs, Linda
Working in a garden is a great way to help you grieve. It is a chance to bring beauty to your corner of the world while you also do something 'normal' to help you through. Just don't punish yourself for how you feel but do look for those you can talk about things to. Email my mother often as she really wants to be there for you and help. We just care so deeply! It will get better but takes time. As you are out in your garden, smile and say hello to your DH and Sherry Jo as their spirits will be dwelling there if you look for them. Why? Because where we put our hearts is where our family dwells.
Comforting hugs ~
Prayers coming your way my Dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Giving you one big HUG !
I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I hope that life is getting easier and treating you well. Take care. Cindy
I so hope that the pain soon eases for you. It is difficult enough to loose a child, but even more so to have your child's life taken by an act of violence. You remain in my heart and prayers.
Hello Sweetie,I've just started back to blogging,i've been ill.But I'm doing fine.I'm so sorry you have to be put though such terriable trails.But I can tell you are a very strong woman,you will get though these aweful times.We have our memories and our faith.Your keeping busy and your flowers are just gorgeous.Only good natured sweeies like you can grow things this beautiful. May God bless you..Hugs Marie Antionette
Just a note to let you know that I am holding you in my heart and my prayers Sweety.
Hi sweetie,had you on my mind and wanted to let you know I am praying for you.Take care. I miss ya.
Hi Sweetie! Just stopping by to say hi! I hope you are enjoying your summer. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! I'm sending you a big hug...
Come see us when you feel like it. We'll be here!...Debbie
miss you!!!
Just coming by to let you know I am still thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. Hope you have a good 4th of July weekend with your family.
Hope all is well and that you are healing.
May you have a safe and great fourth my Dear friend...Prayers coming your way...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Dear Sweetie ... wishing you a happy 4th of July. And also wanting you to know there are many, many people out here who care about you.
Just checking in Sweetie to see if you were back and find out how you are...hugs
Hi Sweetie, I am coming by to check on you... You are missed terribly. I hope your flowers are blooming and bringing you peace.
I miss you Sweetie ♥
Sweetie, thanks for stopping by. Take all the time you need on your blog break. I had just asked Nancy about you since I know you're friends and then I was so excited to hear from you. We miss you but understand that you have to have some time right now. Family and other important things in our lives always have to come first. Thank you for your prayers too. My son will be having heart surgery soon and all prayers are certainly appreciated and needed. Cindy
Oh, Sweetie, I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that you had been by. Just today, I was thinking of you and said a prayer that HE was holding you close as you so needed it.
Thanks so much for coming by..please know I think of you often. You have one of those sweet souls that makes everyone love you.
Take good care..get good happy again.
Love, bj
Stopping by to say hi and see how you are doing.
How gorgeous it is going to be when you are finished working your magic! I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better. We have been thinking of you.
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Hi, Sweetie...
Love, bj
Stopping in to say "Hi" and let you know I have not forgotten you.
I hope things are well with you.
You are missed in Blogland.
I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that that you're loved and missed in blogland. :) Cindy
Thank you so much for visiting, Sweetie. I think of you so often.
love, bj
Hi Sweetie,
Your new flowers are just beautiful and so is your lovely wreath.
I just prayed for you and wanted you to know.
Big hug,
Love Lea
Just saying "Hi" again. I hope that you are doing better.
I found myself thinking about you this morning ... and wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving....hoping things are OK in your part of the world.
Stopping by to say hello. Hope you've been doing ok.
Missing you Sweetie ♥ Hope you're doing well
Dear Sweetie...I just wanted you know I have been thinking about you....Sending you many hugs and prayers my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you today and praying that you were doing well. Big virtual hugs from me :) Cindy
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